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Brightblack Morning Light - Album Cover
Brightblack Morning Light - Album Cover

Brightblack Morning Light
Album Cover Concept for the Brightblack Morning Light album entitled the bands name.

A goal I have, when working with music, is to find a key (in sound and frequency tuned into) that can be translated into something visual. In the start of such projects I usually surrender myself completely to the music, and just start creating freely guided by what I hear.

Brightblack Morning Light’s music is groundbreaking, pulling you down into and beyond the soil, down to the roots of nature. The music is hypnotic like nature itself.

Being such an orginal and iconic band, I wanted to have the album name (which is also the bands name) stated in a bold, but still subtle, undisturbing way. I aimed for the typography to sort of grow out of the design, like a plant growing in the forest, intending to reflect the organic atmosphere in the music.